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Notice of Application for Works at St Mary Aldermary

For all those who are interested, please see notice of an application for upcoming works at St Mary Aldermary. Most of the text is copied below but the full notice is attached and visual plans for the works are available to download below.

Form 4A – (Rule 6.2) Public Notice – (general form)

In the Consistory Court of the Diocese of London Church of St Mary Aldermary, Bow Lane, Queen Victoria Street NOTICE IS GIVEN that we are applying to the Consistory Court of the diocese for permission to carry out the following: Repair and replacement of York paving slabs to match existing and laying of sub base.

Additional works include laying of ducting for future electrical installation. Copies of the relevant plans and documents may be examined at The Church of St. Mary Aldermary And on the website (If changes to a church are proposed, a copy of the petition and of any designs, plans, photographs and other documents that were submitted with it must be displayed in the church or at another place where they may be conveniently inspected by the public.)

Petitioners: (Each petitioner to give name and office held in block capitals) 1. Rev’d Paul Kennedy, Priest-in-Charge 2. Emily Richardson, Church warden 3. Martin Saunders, Treasurer Date 5 June 2020 (Here the petitioners are to enter the date on which the notice was first displayed)

If you wish to object to any of the works or proposals you should send a letter stating the grounds of your objection to The Diocesan Registrar at Minerva House, 5 Montague Close, London, SE1 9BB so that your letter reaches the registrar not later than 4 July 2020 (here the petitioners are to enter a date 28 days after the date given above). A letter of objection must include your name and address and state whether you live in the parish and/or your name is entered on the church electoral roll of the parish or any other basis on which you have an interest in the matter. Directions to petitioners

You must display this public notice (or a copy of it) for a continuous period of not less than 28 days, not counting the day on which it is put up or the day on which it is taken down, (or for such other period as the Court may direct) in each of the following places: 1. on a notice board or in some other prominent position inside the church; and 2. on a notice board outside the church or in some other prominent position (whether on the outside of the church door or elsewhere) so that it can be read by the public.


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